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Areas Transformed:

Childhood and Relationship Trauma, Self-Worth, Confidence, Self-Trust, Grief from Mother's Passing, Abadonment


"I recommend this work to anyone whose really struggling to break heavy patterns, deep trauma...sexual trauma or massive depths of loss"

Areas Transformed:

Health, Money, Career, Trauma, and Relationships


"The main word that I can use after working with Jena is FLOW.

I made more money then I ever have during out time together!"

Areas Transformed:

PCOS, Career, Sexual Trauma, Relationships, Intuitive Gifts, Body image issues, Phobia, and Ancestral Trauma


"We worked on my PCOS and I am now two cycles pain-free which is very exciting!"

Areas Transformed:

Career, Relationships,

Moving through big life changes 


"I looked forward to every session. I left feeling so light and so much ease. I appreciated that Jena took the time to understand my situation and unique needs. The ease and lightness has continued and I'm still feeling the positive effects. I always felt very comfortable and Jena made herself very accessible throughout.

I enjoyed working with her SO much!"


Areas Transformed:

Low self-worth, Self-doubt, Body image issues, Anxiety, Low energy, and Childhood Trauma 


"After working with Jena I feel so much lighter. All the dense heaviness in my body has lifted and I have so much more peace and clarity in my life now."


6th Month Update!


"The results have truly been transformative"


Areas Transformed:

Acne, Self-Worth, and Confidence 


"I've struggled with acne since I was a teenager and struggled into my late twenties. Since my session, I have truly had nearly flawless skin which is incredible for me. Not only have the breakouts stopped, but the overall texture of my skin is smooth. The discoloration is going away, my scars are fading, it's AMAZING!"

Areas Transformed:

Romantic Relationship, Creativity, Overthinking, Self-Expression, and Abundance

"I was surprised at how fast it worked. I left feeling with so much clarity and have been in an amazing space since!"

Areas Transformed:

Health, Relationship with Mother, Romantic Relationship, Creativity, Overthinking, Self-Expression, and Abundance


"I feel more centered, optimistic, and

more connected to my essence 

Areas Transformed:

 Career, Money Mindset


"It was so worth it, I recommend it 100%"

Areas Transformed:

Feeling Seen, Self-Worth, Childhood Trauma, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Self-Sabotage


"I feel very clear, confident and very strong. I was able to make some big decisions for my business that I would not have been able to before working with Jena. I have been more me than ever"

Areas Transformed:

Money, Relationship Trauma, Career,

and Self-Worth


"This has changed the way I show up for work, for my clients, and made me feel better about myself in general"

Areas Transformed:

Acne, Eczema, Dermatitis, Unhealthy Relationship with Food, Money, and Career,



"She is worth all of the money in the world. This experience has changed my life. As you can see all of my acne, and eczema are gone!"

Areas Transformed:

Low self-worth, Self-doubt, Confidence Issues, Childhood Traumas,  Body image issues, Life-long Anxiety, Low energy, Physical conditions


"I was always looking for modalities because I never felt good enough. It's hard to describe the sessions but I could feel my energy shifting as held space for me and I think that's what makes it really powerful. The biggest shift for me is that I am able to show up and step into my true essence.

I am so grateful for this experience."


Areas Transformed:

Abundance, Self-Worth, Grief,

Relationships, Career, and Trauma 


"This is the best investment you

can make in yourself! I am a completely different person!"

6th Month Update!


"I would've hoped the results would have been long-lasting but I don't think I could've anticipated HOW LONG LASTING it would be and how much it impacted my life


Areas Transformed:

Life-long eating disorder, Self-Worth, Career, Relationships, and Trauma


"My relationships are better than ever. My well-being is amazing and I experience so much freedom and energy"


Areas Transformed:

Relationships, Creativity, Career, and

Physical Energy Levels


"If you're feeling desperate about something, I would consider working with Jena. I wish I had considered it sooner"

Areas Transformed:

Chronic Pain of 20+ years


- 4th Month Update -

"I couldn't be more grateful. If you are struggling with something that seems insurmountable or really impossible to conquer on your own, or even with medical doctors and PT's. This what you should do! It's amazing what she can do!"


Areas Transformed:

Career, Money Mindset, Self-Worth,

and Confidence


"Jena was able to uncover things that I wasn't aware of and helped me get to the (limiting) core beliefs that were repeating themselves in my life"

Areas Transformed:

Career, Relationships, Money, and Self-Worth


"I've spent years and years trying to get through this work. And in one session with her help, it's been magical"

Areas Transformed:

Health, Abundance, Relationships,

Ancestral Trauma


"Jena's so targetted in guiding you and unlocking subconscious blocks that you've had. Even from generations before"

"'Jena! I have done everything, akashic records, ayahuasca, hypnotism, tarot, astrology, numerology, Lacy Phillips method, acupuncture, cupping on and on. When we had our appointment I wasn’t expecting anything to change for me but since our session, I feel like a completely different person. I'm in shock. Down to my food preferences, everything changed.

I think you are truly gifted."

- India, California

"Working with Jena is such a wonderful experience. She makes you feel so safe and seen, that you never question yourself, if sharing something with her is right or not. In the time working with her I felt the biggest sence of trust I did in a long time. Not only trust in her, but also in myself and in god and in divine timing. Now some weeks after our work together, I still have moments, where I am so confident and selfassured that afterwards I feel like "Was this really me?". Some sessions were so freeing and left me feel so amazing, I couldn`t stop dancing and smiling. I think in the long term she really helped me to relax, to surrender and to trust, that the right things will come my way when time is ready and I really believe that now. The biggest shift I noticed was when working on my core beliefs, since that session I immediately felt lighter and life just seems easier and more fun. Jena showed me a completely new way of inner work and I´m so happy and honored I got to work with her."
- Johanna, Germany

"It’s difficult to put my experience with Jena Sophia into words. Not because it isn’t amazing and incredible but it is truly one of those things that needs to be experienced. I started working with her because I was tired of feeling like something was wrong with me and I needed to be fixed. In my mind I had a list of things I wanted to work on and right before our first session, my mom was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. Needless to say, my “plan” went out the window. However, it was a huge blessing. Jena is such a kind and thoughtful soul and I feel so grateful to have worked with her. I was able to really be there for my mom and remove the drama from the situation. I was able to clear so many barriers with my family relationships that really freed me up. From transforming my perceptions about my loved ones and by removing my limited beliefs about them, I no longer feel like I need to be fixed-that there is something wrong with me. I feel so light and free now, really free. It is so great feel whole. I am so grateful for all the work I have done with Jena Sophia. I can’t recommend her enough."
- Marne, Entrepreneur (USA)

"Working with Jena has been an amazing experience. I was hesitant at first because it was a fairly new concept for me and I hadn’t known anyone personally who that experienced it. Well, it felt amazing from the start. Jena is kind, thoughtful and so easy to connect with and so very personable. There were concepts and things that I had never heard of before that just blew me away during our sessions. The energy of her work was powerful. Undeniable. I came to Jena feeling very unsure about a lot of my emotions (some of which I couldn't put into words), very doubtful about myself and a pretty big lack of confidence about my place in this world. These were not great feelings but following our work together, I felt my heart burst open with peace, easy and control. I started to feel completely in my own and happy even. I felt lighter, magnetic and a better sense of pride in myself and my life. I am a different person now than I was before we started our work together. As they say, the sky is the limit and I feel it so very much after this experience. This is deep work, and you can't deny that after you've had your own sessions. Thank you for believing in me, and thank you for doing this work!
- Nicole

"I seriously cannot thank you enough for coming into my life and helping me transform things that have been living inside of me for so long, I finally feel free of all that heavy icky stuff that never suited me and no longer needed to be there. After the first session with you, I felt a weight lift off of me, I couldn’t stop smiling, and knew with everything that something just felt different. With knowing I had more that I wanted to work on, I messaged you and booked another session right away. I still can’t believe the results after the second session it takes my breath away with how beautiful and empowering, and how incredibly loving it was. I honestly feel lit up like a Christmas tree!! I felt so much anger inside my body, and also felt like I didn’t belong that something wasn’t right and it was off, I just felt yucky! And after that session, I have never felt more alive inside then ever before. I am so incredibly grateful for this experience and transformation. I highly recommend you to everyone and anyone, take a chance on her cause she will literally help you change your life into something magical."
- Brandy, Canada

"I didn't realize how my deeply rooted subconscious beliefs were affecting my life... In a really big way. My session with Jena was intense, therapeutic, and in a way, cleansing. It's hard to explain but, I'm already seeing changes. In just the last 48 hours, my perception of my mom has changed, my perception of my work ethic, and my feelings of guilt around luxury and resting. In the last 48 hours, I've been to the gym, written in my journal, got my nails done, starting doing tasks I've been putting off in my business. I will definitely have more sessions. Thank you so much!"
- G.G, Texas

"I’ve had one session with Jena and experienced such a deep level of emotional clearing. Within an hour and a half of working with her, she helped me reach a level of emotional healing equivalent to three years of work alone and with other healers. I’ve never experienced such rapid change in myself. Jena instantly made me feel comfortable and I was able to be vulnerable with her in a way that I never could be in front of others. I am so grateful for her creating the conditions for me to achieve such release and make space for the growth I’ve been seeking. Thank you, Jena! "
 - Hanna, Toronto

"Just wanted to send you a quick update since our session for my son last month. I can’t even believe the shift that has happened to him. I wasn’t sure how it was going to work without him doing the process himself but it seriously did! I never knew it was possible for results to be this dramatic with just you doing this energy work on his behalf. MINDBLOWING! He is no longer argumentative with his siblings, he even brought his brother a present, which he never does, he usually gets very territorial and selfish with stuff. His teachers are telling me he is calmer and respectful to his classmates. His behavioral issues are not as intense as they use to be and he truly is starting to behave more like “himself” something I haven’t seen in a long long time. I am truly grateful to have found you and for the joy, you have brought back to my son and our entire family. I look forward to working with you next month for my session."
- Ruby, Sweden

"I was initially introduced to Jena Sophia to help me overcome stress from start-up hours and chronic back pain. I first noticed a significant change in my mood and outlook as a result of the first session. I was more calm and positive. I then had a another session back pain which was nothing short of amazing. My back pain was significantly reduced. Jena then recommended we try one more. That third session was truly the missing piece. Jena helped me to get to the root of my stress and chronic back pain and I was absolutely stunned throughout our session. Needless to say, it helped me to overcome the source of my stress and back pain and I have been free of both ever since! Thank you!"

- Max, London

"I don't know what you did and how you did it but I feel so amazing and relieved from my anxiety. For the first time in my life, I am actually not afraid of what's to come. I am not afraid to have a disagreement with someone losing control of my emotions. I almost feel like myself again. I am so grateful and thankful for the help you gave me. Please keep doing what you are doing because it works"

- Laila, Florida

"After one session with Jena, my cold went away and traveling was so much more calm. I couldn't believe it! I used to be so fearful of traveling and it was the easiest experience for me after my session.  I also did not have any social anxiety when I went to a wedding that I was very nervous to attend. I am so grateful to have found Jena! I definitely recommend her to anyone seeking quick and effective transformation!"
- Priya, London

"After my second session with Jena, I felt so much less heavy at work and know that I have the courage to leave soon without guilt or doubt. I have been also saying 'no' to friends who don't serve me easily and pulled off a coherent solo at my guitar lesson which I had been struggling to do prior. I feel more confident!"

- Kate, California

"Jena!  My life after our last session feels like it did a 180! My day-to-day still feels the same but there is no stress, no melancholy, no anxiety inside. Thank you for upgrading my experience to a more beautiful, gratifying one. What a priceless gift! I am so excited! I can also eat fruit now and I am still in awe you were able to help me transform that."
- Jenna Zoe, Human Design Reader

"I really feel a deep sense of trust for you, even though we only had a short 90-minute session. I'd been feeling a lot of inner turmoil for a few months before the first session Like a slow-moving stream of sadness and uncertainty. But honestly, I could feel myself getting lighter and lighter through our session. By the end, I couldn't stop smiling. I could finally feel that inner sparkle again! I felt unbridled joy after we hung up like I could do anything. One of the things we worked on was being open and curious in the face of criticism. That very night, I got the opportunity. Something that would have normally have set me down a very defensive path didn't. I really was able to stay calm and curious. Other triggers that use to keep me up worrying all night only bothered me a little bit. Thank you for your work and I'm so glad your practice is thriving and growing!"
- Meghann, California

"I seriously cannot thank you enough for coming into my life and helping me transform things that have been living inside of me for so long. I finally feel free of all that heavy icky stuff that never suited me and no longer needed to be there. After the first session with you, I felt a weight lift off of me, I couldn't stop smiling, and I knew with everything that something just felt different. With knowing I had more that I wanted to work on, I messaged you and booked another session right away, I still can't believe the results after the second session. It takes my breath away with how beautiful and empowering, and how incredibly loving it was. I honestly feel lit up like a Christmas tree! I felt so much anger inside my body, and also felt like I didn't belong, that something wasn't right and it was off, I just felt yucky! And after that session, I have never felt more alive inside than ever before, I am so so incredibly grateful for this experience and transformation. I highly recommend you to everyone and anyone, take a chance on her cause she will literally help you change your life into something magical!"

- Amanda, Toronto

"I had my first session with Jena who is such a sweet soul. It was amazing. So thankful for practitioners who choose to spread the tools and love that has changed and impacted their own lies. Thank you, Jena"

- Yvonne, California

"I have been feeling so creative since my session. I feel like we unblocked my creativity because I have been waking up in the middle of the night, writing scenes for a movie and I have been singing classical music again which I haven't done since childhood. I AM LOVING IT!"

- Beth, Actress from "2 broke girls"

"My session with Jena last month has really transformed so much within. I feel like a new person and I am much happier. Everyday I step outside, look into the sky and say 'Today, I choose happiness'"

- Anna, Switzerland

"I can't thank you enough for our session together. I am still blown away by the transformation. The biggest shift is in my self-worth and now, lack of self-doubt. These were always the areas which I was working the most on, but progress always eluded me no matter what I was doing on myself. Now, it's shocking in a great way...I somewhat remember the old stories, beliefs, and doubts that used to constantly play in my head. But to be 100% honest, it's pretty vague and I can't even remember fully how it would feel. I am beyond grateful to you and this work as it is truly life changing. I never felt more authentically me and comfortable in my skin. My day-to-day has totally transformed because of how I feel inside and how I am interacting in the world and with people and on top of that, I used to be a bit of a procrastinator in personal to-do items. Since our session, I have done so many of them and it just flows naturally without putting any pressure on myself and feels great.  Every day, more and more of this unfolds. I am so excited!"
- Claire, Australia

"I truly feel like I am ready for a wonderful relationship. I had one snacking episode but it wasn't numbing feelings at all and I was conscious of it. And it was eating a lot, not a binge which was good. I haven't been snacking or even tempted at night. so I am amazed at how powerful my session was able to transform my habits so quickly."

- Ally, New York

"Jena, I just want to thank you so much for our session, I can't believe how much of a difference it has made! I always told myself ' don't be so hard on yourself/you are good enough' but never actually believed it. Then after our session, it all changed. It's just a feeling inside, a softness that I have never felt before. Now when I eat, I just say 'oh well' and don't berate myself. This is especially huge when it comes to eating. I don't eat my feelings anymore. Now when emotions come up I listen to them and soften and tell myself it's okay. I seriously cannot thank you enough, you have changed my life"
- Isabelle, Australia

"As someone who has been working on Wall Street for the past 25 years, stress, unfortunately, became my normal state of being. Jena helped me realize more of my subconscious reasons for keeping my chronic pain condition. We were able to discover through the sessions, what exactly I needed to let go of in my life to live joyfully and healthily. It was truly transformational and I was able to slowly get off my medication doctors said I would need 'forever.' Her method truly works!"
- Ali, New York City

"I had a lot going on with my gallbladder pain (I had 2 weeks before my surgery to remove it) and also going through personal things in my life. The session gave me a lot of relief and an overall very calming experience. I was able to focus on my well-being and saw positive changes in my life after! Thanks, Jena!"
- Sehrish, Chicago,

"Before my session, my bones hurt, I kept breaking out, and I kept procrastinating my work. I tried all the remedies I could to fix these issues, but none of them worked. However, after I started working with Jena, I found that every day, I saw results. It would be small things. I slowly started breaking out less, I no longer complained about my bones and my work-load seemed to be done quicker."

- Zarah, New Jersey,

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